viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

Jonas Brothers rumbo al aeropuerto de Argentina

Los JoBos rumbo al aeropuerto a seguir dando conciertos ahora en Argentina, Buenos Aires., Se ven un poco cansados no?.. bueno despued de dar un par de conciertos...!!

1 comentario:

  1. Today was spent 6 months of their arrival in my country, half a year, no doubt the days flew by while I have not noticed anything. I am aware that you changed me, helped me pass ugly moments of my life, and overcome them. Sometimes I can not understand how they became so part of me. Today are part of who I am, are not a taste for music, are not a platonic love. They are on my mind and in my heart every second. Are and have been too important to forget from one day to another. In fact they are essential in my life too minimal to be slowly forgetting them. I have too many questions, I'm too confused, dazed & attitude at every step that I give in my life. But you, you Jonas Brothers, you are my greatest stability♥.
    I'll Never forget the May 21 where they played for more than fifty thousand people. I miss them so much.

    Sofía from Buenos Aires, Argentina♥.
